ご誓文 |
Oath |
- T
広く会議を興し、万機公論に決すべし |
assemblies shall be established and measures of government shall be decided by public
opinion. |
- U
上下心を一にして盛に経綸を行うべし |
All classes, high
and low, shall unite in vigorously carrying out the plan of government. |
- V
官武一途庶民に至るまで各其志を遂げ、人心をして倦まざらしめんことを要す |
Officials, civil
and military, and all common people shall as far as possible allowed to fulfil their just
desires so that there may not be any discontent among them. |
- W
旧来の陋習を破り天地の公道に基づくべし |
customs of former times shall be broken through, and everything shall be based upon just
and equitable principles of heaven and earth. |
- X
知識を世界に求め大いに皇基を振起すべし |
Knowledge shall be
sought for throughout the world, so that the welfare of the empire may be promoted. |
- 起草:由利公正 修正:福岡孝弟 加筆:木戸孝允
- 普選壇の裏の銘板に 顧問:坪内雄蔵(逍遥 1859-1935)とあるのは英訳を監修したということか?
- 設計の佐藤功一(1878-1941)は東京帝大卒で早稲田大学建築科の最初の主任教授。作品に大隈記念講堂、日比谷公会堂など多数現存。